Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rant: People need to be Accountable.......


SMH at an article I read about a woman bashing men...It's cool to vent but yea, we gotta be accountable for our actions. YOU choose to have sex with that guy and have a baby (Yes, this can happen during sex whether you wanted it or not). There are plenty of bummy guys out there. As an adult you should have the critical thinking not to allow that to happen. Somehow, the world owes you something now because you failed to make a good decision. Be accountable, be smart. F7 your lives, you can't always CTRL+Z....I'm gonna sue McDonalds because I know it makes me fat but I still eat there. Funny...lol ...lets break it down and paint a picture, shall we?

You meet a guy...he's never done really anything big for you. (ie. surprise dates, cook for you... not even all monetary things) ...you're not happy. You tell your friends that (for some reason) then you tell him that....but...you...stay with him 5 more months because things will change. He's a good man, he's gonna change for you.....LOL really? Oh, but he's been to jail 2 times and still doin the same thing. If he isn't changing for himself, what makes you think he's going to change for you? ...you date him 6 more months. Maybe he verbally abuses you...You're still there...chances are, he's in YOUR house because he's tryna get out his momma house...lets skip forward:

You have sex with the guy...sans-condom...now you have a kid on the way...yet, he's still not doing anything that he's supposed to be doing (you know..man stuff?)...is anyone seeing what I'm seeing here? NOW you're mad at THEE world...didn't see THAT coming, did you? Yea, You needed a couple more months, I understand...so now...its revenge time..because YOU are the victim....

You talk trash about him to your friends: (Yea, that helps the situation...now Rashedah tellin everyone your business...)
You won't let him see his child...lol thats if he wants to see him anyway. (Refer to para. 2)
You just bought your tickets for Tyler Perry's "He ain't Sh** 3D" because you want the world to feel YOUR pain
You rant and got rollover angry woman syndrome to every man...
No man is good now...................

Please, men and women...start thinking more. I personally ain't havin sex protected/raw with someone I can't deal with personally. Sex is easy to get.....drama, stds, kids are easier.
-Dudes, stop hittin everything you see. The price of ass is too high. Not the upfront value, its the interest of an impulse buy...don't have sex with someone you don't care about especially if you feel it "depreciates" or something shallow..invest your time in someone you care about. Other wise you just signed up to a 18 year payment plan with 20% interest

...women, stop puttin it on sale because you think no ones coming to your store...all you get is returned damaged goods.....And you want investors? (people to marry you) ...make people want to BUY...

***I'm just sayin.................I kinda don't care who I offend. It needed to be said. I just tagged people to get this into the feed. You don't have to reply nor does it necessarily apply to you....


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